
Guide Android App for Lab Day PWR Event. Application provides event map, timetable and other information.
Technology goals
- Use as many professionally used frameworks, libraries and project patterns as saintly possible.
- MVVM with repository project architecture. Dependency Injection project pattern with Dagger2.
- Proper test coverage with all types of tests(unit, integration, GUI unit tests, automated integration GUI tests) + documentation.
- Views designed fallowing Material Design and UX guidelines, use of new Constraint & classic layouts, Data binding / Butter Knife where suitable.
- Backend providing REST API handled by Retrofit with local off-line backup in native sqlite database accessed with SQLBrite, all managed by RXJava and LiveData. API access tokens stored after encryption with Facebook Conceal lib.
- Google APIs used: Maps, Directions
- Some classes implemented in Kotlin, to practice new language.
status: release 1.0.2
